Save Thousands
Over Eventbrite

Did you hear Eventbrite raised their prices for the 11th time? We've been keeping track. Run the numbers to see how much money you will keep when switching from Eventbrite.

Event pros make more money and delight their attendees with TicketSpice.

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There Is No Comparison vs EventBrite

  • $

Total savings


/every 5 years

Calculator based on ticketing fees of 99 cents per paid ticket + plus standard credit card processing rates of 2.9% + 30¢.

TicketSpice Pricing
per attendees
Average credit card fees are 2.9% + $.030

No contracts, no setup fees, no cancelation fees
EventBrite Pricing
$1.79 + 3.7%
with no limit in maximum fee per attendees
Average credit card fees are 2.9%

TicketSpice will save you 268% compared to EventBrite

TicketSpice pricing is a simple 99¢ per ticket + standard credit card processing rates of 2.9% + 30¢.
Yep, that's it. No hidden fees, no monthly fees, no shenanigans.
EventBrite Pro Pricing is a staggering $1.79 per ticket + a 3.7% service fee + 2.9% credit card fee + monthly fees, and no cap on fees.
Bottom line: using EventBrite Pro will cost you 414% more than if you used TicketSpice.
Source: as of August 2023. Pricing is subject to change.


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Feature Comparison List


99¢ cents per ticket
+ standard credit card fees of 2.9% + 30¢


$1.79 per ticket + 3.7% service fee + 2.9% credit card fees + monthly fees

Control all branding at top of page

Set, markup, and keep the ticketing fees

Time slot ticketing

Text Message Ticket Delivery

Text for Tickets

Weekly payouts

Pods and seating layouts

Free chat, email, Zoom, and phone support

Data sovereignty and data privacy

Re-entry scanning with photo verification

Add / remove ticket to existing order

Ticket transfers

Discounts for social shares

Allocate tax exempt value for tickets

Google tag manager support

508 compliant

Feature Comparison List

TicketSpice Pricing



99¢ cents per ticket

Credit card fees of 2.9% + 30¢
$1.79 per ticket + 3.7% service fee

Credit card fees of 2.9%

Visual Ticketing Page Builder

Fully Customizable and Brandable Page

Set, Markup, and Keep Ticketing Fees

20+ Data Collect Field Types

Dynamic Pricing Capabilities

Advanced Conditional Logic

Multiple Price Points for a Ticket Level

Sponsor Logo Integration

Timeslot at Each Ticket Level

Integrated Digital Waivers

On-site Cashless Payments (Mobile Pay Pass)

Purchase Protection For Attendees

Re-entry Scanning with Photo Verification

Text Message Ticket Delivery

Membership Feature

Donation + Fundraising without Extra Fees

Add-ons + Upgrades without Ticketing Fees

Integrated SMS Marketing

Text Message Reminders

Dynamic Email and Text Notifications

Google Tag Manager Support

Data Privacy + Data Sovereignty

Consider these important differences between TicketSpice and Eventbrite

The event ticketing experience between TicketSpice and Eventbrite are vastly different. Here are a few things to keep in mind.


Eventbrite's crowded event page structure

If you browse Eventbrite's events, their page template looks similar to the example. Which means you're competing with other events in your area.

TicketSpice structures your event ticketing page in a completely different way, where it's all about you.


Eventbrite logo on top of your page

When you host your event with Eventbrite, their logo adorns the top of your ticketing page. It's on the top of nearly every event page and not likely to be removed.

We’re not in competition with your brand. When you host your event using TicketSpice, your branding and logo reigns supreme.

Eventbrite's main navigation on your event page

Alongside their logo, the top of your event page contains their own main navigation. A typical Eventbrite ticketing page has over a dozen external links not related to your specific event.


Unrelated event links on your ticketing page

Your event page on Eventbrite can contain links to other events at the bottom of your page. Here’s how they sometimes look.


Eventbrite's fees can get expensive for high priced events, and they've even eliminated their maximum fee cap. Eventbrite charges a ticketing fee of 3.7% + $1.79 per attendee with no limit or maximum fee per attendee. You may choose who pays the fee (you or your attendees), but Eventbrite charges and receives the fee.

Eventbrite has also raised their prices 11 times over the years. Yes, 11. We even created a handy timeline to show all their pricing shenanigans over the years.

Top events & attractions use TicketSpice. Get started today.

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